Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family Reunion 2010

We had a great couple of days together in Wallsburg for our annual family reunion. Brady and Angie planned a fun time for all of us. We went to the rodeo and parade. We had a relay race where we carried an egg in a spoon up the hill, shot the balloons with the BB gun, lifted M&M's to our mouth using two pencils tied to string, and then moved an Oreo cookie from the forehead to the mouth using no hands. We played in the water, visited, ate lots of yummy food, rode four-wheelers, and just had fun. We missed you Dave, Tracie, Taylor, Lana, Drew, and Sawyer! Here are the pictures.


Kathy said...

Okay, I forgot about rolling up in a whole role of toilet paper as part of the relay. And some of my pictures didn't make it to the post. I don't know why. I have a hard time with all this technology! But I tried.

Tracie Bramhall said...

Thank you Kathy!!